This document is used to instruct on deployment of the Swank Disconnected Cached License Server for use in combination with Swank Streaming Server only. Additional instructions are needed to access API for use with third party streaming solutions.
Table of Contents
- Technical Requirements
- Downloading the Cached License Server
- Deploying Swank License Server
- Activation
- Ingesting Licenses
- Certificate Updates
- Customer Support
1. Technical Requirements:
VM Requirements
- 1 vCPU
- 1 GB vRAM
- 8 GB Storage
Network Requirements
- The license server requires access to the following URLs on a periodic basis. Please make sure all firewall rules are in place for this access.
URL Port/
Description tcp:443 Required for server activation tcp:443 Required for receiving content licenses over the internet tcp:443 Required for sending statistics back to Google tcp:33001, SSH Required for system software updates. It is recommended to allow access to all subdomains on in case more are added or changed at a future date. tcp:80 tcp:443 Docker registry and also required for system updates tcp:443 Data endpoint for Azure Note: DNS resolution is required for these domain names on the local license server. If you're operating in a disconnected mode, you may be required to host local DNS records for the URLs above.
- The license server requires access to the following URLs on a periodic basis. Please make sure all firewall rules are in place for this access.
2. Downloading the Cached License Server
- We have made the Cached License Server available via our Aspera download portal. Below are the URL and login credentials:
User ID:
- Once logged in you will be presented with the Aspera portal. The Cached License Server is “” (highlighted below):
- Note: Once clicked you will be challenged for the password again in this dialog:
- Paste the password in again and click OK.
- You should now see the file downloading in the Activity Window:
Zip Contents
- Included in the zip are the OVF and VMDK file you will need to import the server into your VMWare infrastructure. You will be prompted to supply the static IP address of the server as part of that import process.
3. Deploying Swank License Server
Step 1 - Importing the OVF
In the VMWare Console, Select Deploy OVF Template.
- Select and OVF Template:
- Here we will select the files from the expanded file downloaded from the Aspera portal.
- Zip File Contents:
- Here we will select the files from the expanded file downloaded from the Aspera portal.
- Select the Name and Folder:
- Enter Virtual Machine Name, Select Folder to deploy to and click Next.
- Enter Virtual Machine Name, Select Folder to deploy to and click Next.
- Select a Compute Resource:
- Select VM Host and Click Next.
- Review Details:
- Click Next.
- Click Next.
- Select Storage:
- Click Next
- Click Next
- Select Networks:
- Select the Destination Network for the VM. The network you choose should have access to the Internet to enable the license server to download updates and will also be required for activation. Note: The VM is setup as DHCP initially so if you connect to a network with Internet access the server may start downloading software updates on initial boot.
- Select the Destination Network for the VM. The network you choose should have access to the Internet to enable the license server to download updates and will also be required for activation. Note: The VM is setup as DHCP initially so if you connect to a network with Internet access the server may start downloading software updates on initial boot.
- Ready to Complete:
- Review Changes and Click Finish
The OVF deployment process should begin and once complete proceed to power on the VM in the VMWare Console to set the IP address.
Step 2 – Configuring the Virtual Machine
- In the VMWare console, locate the imported VM and open the Remote Console. If the VM is in the process of downloading updates, let these complete before proceeding with setting the IP address.
- Example screen shot of software updates in progress:
- The System will reboot on completion.
- Customer Login
- From the Remote Console, login with the customer account. (Password will be transferred securely to the deployment team.)
- Determining DHCP IP Address
- From the command prompt, type:
ifconfig ens32
- From the command prompt, type:
- Setting the IP Address
- Once logged in run the command below to set a static IP
- Enter the IP, Netmask, Gateway, DNS1 and DNS2:
- Once completed, the script will set the IP and restart the VM.
- Note: To switch back to DCHP, just run the script again and provide blank values for all entries.
- Confirming IP Address
- From another machine on the network, you can confirm the ip address by pinging the address selected.
- You can also visit the Web UI of the server:
- Ex:
- Note: There is a security error in the browser due to the SSL certificate. You will need to setup a subdomain in your local DNS so you can access the server without this warning.
- Ex: A
Use with Swank Streaming Server will require a local DNS Entry directing the calls for to the local IP address of the License Server.
4. Activation
The license server image must be activated prior to use. Activation requires an internet connection. Swank will provide an activation code separately from the License server. Each license server a unique activation code. Activation can be performed in one of two ways
- A user interface is available via a browser at
- API activation is available via the example curl command shown below. Replace YOUR_URL_ENCODED_ACTIVATION_CODE with the provided activation code.
curl '' -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST --data '{activationCode: "YOUR_URL_ENCODED_ACTIVATION_CODE"}'
When using the API a successful response is in the following form:
{ "success": true,
"errorMessage": null
In the event of an error, the value of "success" will be "false" and "errorMessage" will contain a message describing the failure. Do not base the success of the API call on the status code as all activation requests are returned with an HTTP 200 status code, including responses that are not successful.
5. Ingesting Licenses
Swank Motion Pictures delivers licenses and keys to the customer over the internet. Licenses are requested by the license server to Swank to retrieve licenses. The License server is required to have an occasional connection to the internet in order to pull these licenses for playback to occur.
6. Device Certificate Updates
Google requires that our license server stays up to date with its latest device certificates. The server will attempt to call home to Swank Motion Pictures on a daily basis to check for any device cert updates. Swank Motion Pictures has a nightly process that will retrieve any device cert updates from Google and will provide this file to any license servers calling home. It is understood that at times the server may not have internet access, but it is recommended that the server have an internet connection at least once a month so that it can download any new device certificates.
7. Customer Support
The license server has a limited account that can be used by the customer to help with troubleshooting if there is a problem. This account also allows them to setup the network configuration.
To setup the network SSH into the server using the username “customer”, contact Swank Motion Pictures for the password, run the bash shell script called You will be prompted to enter the following details:
***** Network Configuration *****
Enter IP:
Enter Netmask:
Enter Gateway:
Enter DNS1:
Enter DNS2:
Once the information is entered and verified the network configuration setup will be complete.
There are several logs on the server that can be accessed if an issue is suspected. These can be found in the /var/log/swank directory.
- activation.log – contains information regarding server activation.
- services_ingest.log – contains information regarding ingests that have been done on the server.
- licenses_widevine.log – contains information written by the service that manages the issuing of Widevine licenses.
- license_server_services.log – contains information written by other swank services. One such service is the syncing of license data from the Swank cloud to the server.
If an issue is suspected on the server the customer may be asked by Swank support to send one or more of these logs. One easy way to do this is to login with scp command line tool or a program such as WinSCP, copy the files to your local machine, and then email them to Swank Motion Pictures.
Note: One important thing to note, every few minutes the activation service will check the MAC address to make sure it hasn’t changed since activation. If the MAC address is changed the box will no longer function and will require re-activation. Once the server is reactivated it will function normally again.
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