As of August 2023, Swank Motion Pictures is making an effort to complete the account information for all Instructor and Admin level users of our cloud-hosted streaming portals.
If your account information is incomplete, you will be prompted to complete this information when signing into your streaming portal. Typically, the required information is as follows:
- First name
- Last name
- Email address
If you enter an email address that has already been registered at the portal on another account, you might encounter an error similar to the following message: "Duplicate email addresses are not allowed"
It's important to remember that single sign on (SSO) accounts and registered accounts are two entirely different types of accounts and no two accounts can share the same email address. Below are ways to mitigate this prompt from ever appearing for your users.
Rename SAML Attributes
If your portal is configured to use SAML SSO, the preferred way to resolve this issue is described below:
- At your Identity Provider (Google GSuite, ClassLink, Azure AD, etc.), be sure that you are transmitting SAML attributes for first name, last name and email address.
- "Identity Provider" is usually abbreviated as IdP.
- If possible, you should transmit these attributes using the standard urn:oid names.
- The standards for each of these attributes are
- First name = urn:oid:
- Last name = urn:oid:
- Email = urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3
Once this has been done, the Swank streaming portal will recognize the matching emails and merge the two accounts when the user logs in. Keep in mind you should keep at least one of your Registered Accounts active and prevent it from merging with your SSO account. This can be done in several ways:
- You can change the email address associated with your registered account to an entirely different email.
- Assuming your email system supports it, a "plus tagged" email address should function exactly the same as the original email address.
- For Example: could be changed to "" In this example, I used "+1" to distinguish this as a unique email, but messages sent to either address should arrive at the same inbox.
If your IdP does not allow you to customize the SAML attribute names in this way, you can create attribute renaming rules at the streaming portal as described in this document.
Note: These new attribute names will also need to be used for any existing and additional role mapping rules you have on your Swank streaming portal.
Other Alternatives
- You can bypass SSO and sign into your portal using your registered account credentials by using the "Sign In Another Way" link.
- You can delete your registered account entirely. However if you are an Admin level user, this step should be considered carefully.
- If SSO functionality should ever stop working, you will need another way of signing into the portal in order to repair the issue.
- You can delete or change the email address associated with your registered account.
Assuming your email system supports it, a "plus tagged" email address should function exactly the same as the original email address.
- For Example: could be changed to "" In this example, I used "+dc" to denote that this address is used with the Digital Campus service. Messages sent to either address should arrive at the same inbox.
- You could use an alternate email address for your registered account.
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