(Note: your interface may look slightly different if you are using an older DMP version, but the steps are the same.)
- Copy your license extension code to a USB drive. It's best not to open and save the file as this could change the encoding/formatting of the code. We recommend to just copy the entire file to your USB drive.
- Attach the USB drive to the intended DMP.
- Navigate to your Content Library and select Apply License Extension.
- Enter the license code provided by your account executive to the player needing the updated licensing. This can be done 2 different ways.
- Copy and paste the code
- Copy and paste the code directly into the text box.
- Click Apply
- Browse to the code (recommended)
- Click on Browse
- Navigate to find Coupon Click open then Click Apply
- Click on Browse
- Copy and paste the code
- Check to see that your Movie Titles have updated to the new end license date
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