See the Swank Streaming Server Technical Requirements Document for a more in-depth coverage of technical requirements.
How does the streaming server impact network bandwidth?
The Swank Streaming Server maintains a 1 Gbps network interface for content delivery to your network. Our testing suggests that the actual limit is closer to 600 Megabit (Mbps) of streaming content to the network, regardless of the number of concurrent users connected to the server. The Swank Streaming Server uses Adaptive Bitrate (ABR) streaming and will automatically adjust to network conditions to enable high quality playback performance on connected devices.
What bitrates are included in an adaptive bitrate (ABR) stream?
The standard bitrates for HD (720p) content are 3000, 2000, and 1200 Kbps. The standard bitrates for SD (480p) content are 1500, 800, and 400 Kbps. Streaming Server content comes packaged with multiple streams in a single file. The bitrate that is streamed is dynamically adjusted to optimize performance based on network conditions and end-user device capabilities.
How many streaming connections does the streaming server support?
The Swank Streaming Server has multiple hardware profiles to support a wide range of device volume needs. Swank will assist with an assessment of your network and anticipated usage volume to select the optimal hardware profile for your needs.
How large are the content files?
Content files vary in size based primarily on the quality of the content and the duration of the content. A typical Hollywood feature film is about 5 Gb for high-definition (HD) and about 2.5 Gb for standard definition (SD).
How does the content get to the server?*
The Swank Streaming Server checks for content every 20 minutes by contacting the Swank Data Center. The content delivery service traffic uses a secure, high-speed protocol for the transfer of all content via the Internet. This protocol can be flagged by some Traffic Shapers as Peer-To-Peer and result in lowered bandwidth and priority at your site. We recommend consulting with your IT Networking Team to ensure that movie downloads are treated as normal traffic.
*Satellite connected customers will receive content via update hard drive
How often is content delivered?
The frequency of content delivery varies from customer to customer based on their needs. However, a typical delivery pattern is to deliver fresh content on a monthly or quarterly basis depending on the customer's needs.
Is content secured?
Content is secured during delivery through the use of the Aspera high speed protocol which is a studio approved technology for secure transfers of content. Content is subsequently secured on the server using studio approved Digital Rights Management technologies.
How does the streaming server connect to the network?
The Swank Streaming Server can be located in your datacenter or MDF closet. At a minimum, the server should be physically secured and have a 1 Gigabit (Gbps) Ethernet connection to your network.
How does the server receive security patches?
Server security patches are managed and tested by Swank Motion Pictures when received from Microsoft. Upon test completion, patches are pushed from Swank Motion Pictures Windows Update Server to the streaming server weekly.
How does the server receive application updates?
Local Streaming Application updates are applied as needed. The updates are downloaded and applied automatically when connected to the internet. In general, they do not require a reboot. Typically, those are released on Tuesday mornings and the application on the local deployed streaming servers would vary based on connectivity.
Who has access to the server?
The Swank Streaming Server is deployed to the customer's site or data center as a managed appliance. The server is leased by the customer and operated by Swank Motion Pictures. All hardware and software services within the appliance are supported exclusively by SMP Digital Support.
How is remote support handled?
The SMP Digital Support team uses LogMeIn (LMI) for remote management of the Swank Streaming Server. This service provides a secure session for remote management, installation assistance and ongoing support.
LMI Security Whitepaper can be located here:
LMI HIPAA compliance information can be located here:
Does access to content require user authentication?
On a closed network, access to content does not require user authentication. Customers assign a static IP to the server that is not accessible via the public internet. Configuration of allowable IP ranges restricts access to only approved IPs. Additionally, we recommend that customers assign a DNS name to the IP so that users can access the portal via a friendly URL such as The Swank Streaming Server does support user authentication for implementations in which user access must be accomplished via the Internet. The Swank Streaming Server has an administration portal with user administration features.
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