Question: What's The URL/Link to My Cloud Streaming Portal?
Each instance of Swanks Cloud Streaming service has a unique identifier as part of the URL called the tenant path. If you do not have the appropriate link/path, please contact the Administrator for your Swank streaming portal. If you are the Administrator, you can reach out to your Swank Account Executive or contact the support team at
Question: Can I redirect a custom URL to my Swank Cloud Streaming site?
In the event a custom URL with a branded domain needs to be used for your Swank Cloud Streaming site, you will need to setup a redirect via a local webserver. The webserver will also require your SSL certificate in order to avoid any SSL errors.
Example use case: (example custom URL) needs to redirect to (example Swank Cloud Streaming site name)
- DNS record resolves to the local IP of the webserver
- Local webserver hosted on the customer's local network has SSL certificate to facilitate SSL resolution for the schools URL or domain
- Redirect applied to webserver to redirect all traffic to to
Question: Is Zoom stream sharing (watch party) supported?
The Swank streaming platform does not currently support playback of films via screen sharing platforms such as Zoom Meetings. The security of the platform is designed to prevent functional playback in this manner as we are unable to ensure that the audience of a film being shown via screen share is one covered by our agreements and rights.
For virtual classrooms and events, we recommend that facilitator provide each viewer with a link to the film and use Zoom simultaneously to discuss what every student is watching on their own device.
As a side note, if you are attempting to show a film via screen share, it is the audience that experiences disruption not the presenter. Just because playback appears smooth on the teacher’s end, does not mean that it is for the students.
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